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Anyone want to get stoned this holiday season, with jewelry that is!  Newport Beach jewelry line stone. is making it's mark in Orange County and they want to make it onto your Holiday Wish List.  We all know jewelry has the divine power to create moods, produce reactions and is the ultimate way to tell someone "I love you" or "I'm Sorry"; but stone. is something you've never seen before and a definite must for any jewelry collection.

With the combination of contemporary design and raw organic elements, Stone's designers Annie Mancuso and Garren Hamilton create cutting edge and innovative jewelry that will stands the test of time. Their current collection, which includes rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings provoke opinions with their striking colors, metals and specially selected precious stones.  Their pieces are ahead of the pack and stone. is bound to be the brand of choice for all style trend setters.

Don't forget to "Like" their Facebook Page and to check out their entire collection online go to [url=][/url], when you mention Greer's OC receive 15% off your entire holiday purchase.

(855) 82 - STONE |

Leslie Christen writes "Wear to Where" for each week. She is the owner of Leslie Christen | LifeStyling a business that does personal shopping, fashion styling, closet edits and organization. For tips on What to Wear and Where to Buy view her website at [url=][/url] and contact her at


Shop at LuLu Too


We are beyond grateful for LuLu Too in Eastside Costa Mesa, who are generously donating 20% of sales today and Thursday to Educating Jack & Milly. The fund is helping educate two bright and motivated Kenyans that I met in a rural village in Western Kenya three years ago. I promised to give them a college education, as it was their dream, but an impossible dream due to the expense. (They lived on less than a $1 a day.) Because of generous people in Orange County, Jack and Milly are well on their way to overcome poverty.

They are in their third year of a university education in Nairobi, Kenya, and I need to see that they make it to graduation. You can either shop at Lulu Too and pick up some great stocking stuffers for $20 or less, cozy scarves, socks, candles, bracelets, earrings and necklaces, or make a straight donation at Donate to Jack & Milly [url=][/url].

Thank you in advance for making a difference in the lives of Jack and Milly and happy holidays. We take checks, Visa and MC.

Open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday; 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday; 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday.

Lulu Too is at 333 E. 17th Street (behind Pancakes R Us) in Costa Mesa.

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